Built In Indicators
TrendSpider provides access to 200+ popular technical indicators, ranging from the Absolute Price Oscillator to the Zero-Lag Exponential Moving Average. Traders can easily customize the settings for each indicator, including the indicator’s values, data sources, position on the chart, colors, patterns, line thickness and more.
You can add an indicator in a few easy steps:
- Click on the Indicators button in the top menu bar to apply indicators to the chart.
- Click on the three dots to the right of the Indicators button to add, configure or remove any indicators
You can quickly edit any existing indicator on the chart using the Quick Editor.
- Click on the Expand indicators list button on the top-left corner of the chart.
- Click on the … next to the indicator that you’d like to edit.
- Update the indicator in the popup window and click Apply to save.
Custom Indicators
If the indicator you need isn't available, you have the option to create a custom one that can be used across the platform including for the Market Scanner, Alerts, and in the Strategy Tester. You can either write the code yourself using JavaScript or let AI assist you in generating the code automatically. Simply select "Generate a new indicator code using AI" to have the system create the code for you. You can learn more about it by clicking here.