Notes Widget

As you work through your trading session, you may want to save a particular idea, prediction, or thought for any given asset class whether it is stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), currencies, cryptocurrencies, indices, or futures. With the Notes widget, you can easily add your observations by providing Name, Text, and Market Sentiment.

In this documentation, we will explore the steps to:

  • Add Notes Widget
  • Create Notes
  • Edit Notes
  • Filter Notes
  • Delete Notes

Let’s get started 🚀

Add Notes Widget

Step 1: Sign in to your TrendSpider account and navigate to the right side of the interface to select the Notes widget from the list.


Step 2: Click on the “Add to the Sidebar” option to add the Notes widget.


The Notes widget will populate in the sidebar column as can be observed below:


Create Notes

Step 1: Click on the + button.


Step 2: A modal window for creating the notes will appear.


Step 3: Provide the following requested details:

1. Note Name
2. Note Description
3. Market Sentiment: Bearish/Neutral/Bullish


Step 4: Click on the Create Note button.


The note will be added to the list for you to view anytime.


Bonus: You can directly identify the market sentiment defined for a note in a single glance as explained in the illustration below:


Edit Notes

You can edit any existing notes to change the Name, Description, or Market sentiment by following the steps outlined below.

Step 1: Select any of the notes from the list you want to edit.


The selected note will unfold at the bottom of the sidebar.


Step 2: Click on the edit icon.


Step 3: A modal window will appear that will allow you to change the Note Name, Note Description, and Market sentiment.

change note.png

Step 4: After making the relevant changes, click on the Save button and your note will be updated.

save update.png

Filter Notes

The Notes widget allows you to filter the notes in the list for the existing symbol or for all the symbols.

For Existing Symbol

You can select this symbol option from the dropdown to load all the notes created for the symbol you have currently selected to view on the chart.


For All Symbols

You can select the all symbols option from the dropdown to load all the notes for all the symbols. With this action, you will be able to view not only the title of the notes, but the symbol as well.


Delete Notes

The Notes widget allows you to anytime remove unwanted or outdated notes from the list.

Step 1: Select any of the notes from the list you want to delete.


The selected note will unfold at the bottom of the sidebar.


Step 2: Click on the Delete icon.


Step 3: A confirmation modal window will appear on the interface. Click on Yes and the note will be permanently removed from the list.


Bonus: You can click on the Refresh button to reload the notes 💡


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